Our team
We do not seek problems, we solve them. Competently. Efficiently. Collaboratively.

Nikolaus Rosenauer
Attorney at Law, Partner
About us
Nikolaus Rosenauer

Professional career
Attorney at Law and Partner, Rosenauer Prankl Barrett Rechtsanwälte OG
since 01/2024
Attorney at Law and Partner, Rosenauer Prankl Rechtsanwälte OG
01/2023 – 12/2023
Vice President of SK Rapid Wien
2015 – 2022
Member of the Executive Committee of SK Rapid Wien
2001 – 2022
Attorney at Law and Partner, Puschner Spernbauer Rosenauer Rechtsanwälte OG
2004 – 2022
Attorney at law with RA. Dr. Haimo Puschner
1997 – 2004
Associate with Dr. Haimo Puschner
1992 – 1996
Court practice at various courts in Vienna
Bar exam
Diploma studies in law
1987 – 1991
Schottengymnasium of the Benedictines in Vienna
Main focus
Civil and corporate law (in particular contract law, construction law, real estate law, tort law), Company law, Sports law, Competition law
German, English
Publications and Lectures

Dominik Prankl
Attorney at Law, Partner
About us
Dominik Prankl

Professional career
Attorney at Law and Partner, Rosenauer Prankl Barrett Rechtsanwälte OG
since 01/2024
Attorney at Law and Partner, Rosenauer Prankl Rechtsanwälte OG
01/2023 – 12/2023
University Assistant Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna
03/2019 – 11/2021
Associate KÖRBER-RISAK Rechtsanwalts GmbH
12/2017 – 02/2019
Associate Kunz Schima Wallentin Rechtsanwälte GmbH
10/2015 – 11/2017
Court practice at the Higher Regional Court of Vienna
04/2015 – 09/2015
Student Assistant University of Vienna
03/2012 – 01/2015
Doctoral studies in law at the University of Salzburg
since 10/2020
Bar exam with distinction
Diploma studies in law at the University of Vienna
03/2011 – 03/2015
Main focus
Employment, Civil and corporate law, Advice for managers, Inheritance law, Administrative criminal law
German, English
Publications and Lectures
Ein Mandatsverfahren für Besitzstörungen, ecolex 2024, 939 ff.
Ausnahmebewilligung für gewerbliche Kurzzeitvermietung, immolex 2024, 253 ff.
Abmahnungen bei Besitzstörungen: Auswege aus der "Kostenfalle", ZVR 2024, 315 ff.
Erste Gedanken zur neuen Pflicht zur Begründung von Kündigungen, ARD 6884/4/2024 (gemeinsam mit Moritz Lindner).
No study grant for doctoral studies of self-employed graduates - On the unconstitutionality of § 15 para. 3 no. 1 StudFG, N@HZ 2024, 15 ff.
Disregard of the consultation procedure: Ineffective terminations? RdW 2023, 810 et seq.
Repayment of termination claims after successful contestation of dismissal - How does the employee avoid interest on remuneration? ARD 6808/5/2022.
On the inappropriateness of the independent jurisdiction of the regional courts in data protection matters, JusIT 2022, 152 et seq.
Problems of termination by proxy: Von Innenvollmachten und Schriftformgeboten, RdW 2022, 558 et seq.
On the consideration of the stigmatization effect of an unjustified dismissal in the social unlawfulness test, ecolex 2022, 551 et seq.
Is it legally permissible for the works council's legal advice costs to be borne by the works owner? RdW 2022, 272 et seq.
Consent fiction clauses in payment services framework agreements are subject to content and transparency control, ecolex 2021, 713 et seq.
Problems of the transmission of the right to take over a farm in the case of spousal inheritance, NZ 2021, 469 ff.
Flat-rate collection costs and settlement fees in the event of death in (banking) general terms and conditions, ecolex 2021, 299 ff.
The purpose of the compulsory portion, JRP 2021, 79 et seq.
Thoughts on the right to information under inheritance law (Section 786 ABGB) on the occasion of OGH-E 2 Ob 227/19z, Zak 2021, 84 ff.
Legislator reacts to the ECJ's Lexitor decision - government bill to amend the VKrG and HIKrG in the National Council, ecolex 2020, 26 f.
Back pay after contesting termination - when is it due? DRdA 2021, 196 et seq.
Inventory at the request of a beneficiary of a compulsory portion - who bears the costs? NZ 2020, 441 ff (together with Lena Kolbitsch).
Contribution periods in pension insurance and statute of limitations (§ 68 para. 1 ASVG), JRP 2020, 252 ff.
Objective dismissals for operational reasons after anciennity: Violation of absolutely mandatory works constitution law, ecolex 2020, 626 ff.
COVID-19: Are the exit restrictions unlawful? ZfG 2020, 58 et seq.
Right to separate satisfaction pursuant to Section 157 VersVG: No switch back to debt action in appeal proceedings after termination of insolvency proceedings, RZ 2020, 8 et seq.
On dispute resolution between lawyers (Section 21 (2) RL-BA 2015) and the legal consequences of disregarding it, AnwBl 2020, 116 et seq.
Court fees for monetary declaratory actions in labor law - On the interpretation of Sec. 16 para. 1 no. 1 lit a GGG, ZAS 2019, 214 et seq.
Interest privilege pursuant to Section 49a sentence 2 ASGG: No factual submission required, ecolex 2018, 444 et seq.
Problems of will formation in the dismissal and termination of GmbH managing directors in the group, GES 2017, 291 ff (together with Georg Schima).
The Determination of Court Fees in Contingent Actions, ecolex 2017, 514 ff (together with Thomas Seeber).
The meaning and purpose of § 345 ZPO, ÖJZ 2017, 109 ff (together with Thomas Seeber).
The naming of witnesses in civil proceedings - A plea for the preclusion of late requests for evidence, RZ 2016, 150 et seq.
The Rewarding of the Search for Unknown Heirs and Inheritances, Zak 2014, 367 ff (together with Lena Kolbitsch and David Messner).
Identification of heirs: Useful business management or imposed enrichment? Zak 2014, 363 ff (together with Lena Kolbitsch and David Messner).
Informing the authorities before submitting a collective redundancy notification does not serve to protect individuals (decision discussion on ECJ 13. 7. 2023, C-134/22), ZAS 2023, 309 et seq.
Permissible refusal of payment if the bank proves the lack of material authorization via a low-value savings account (decision discussion on OGH 3 Ob 208/21s), ecolex 2022, 531.
Reimbursement of cancellation costs from culpa in contrahendo (decision review on OGH 3 Ob 158/21p), ecolex 2022, 129.
Grossly disadvantageous repentance fee agreement (decision discussion on OGH 6 Ob 24/20b), ecolex 2021, 111.
Closing gaps in unfair contract terms through supplementary contract interpretation (decision discussion on ECJ Case C-269/19, Banca B.), ecolex 2021, 117 f.
Subsequent submission of grounds for contestation in dismissal contestation proceedings (decision discussion on OGH 8 ObA 55/20a), ZAS 2021, 38 ff.
Inclusion of intended amicable termination of employment relationships in the early warning system pursuant to Section 45a AMFG (decision discussion on OGH 9 ObA 119/17s), ZAS 2018, 338 f.
Injunctive relief in the case of a "public-important" tramway system (decision review on OGH 1 Ob 47/15s), ZVR 2017, 198 f (together with Lena Kolbitsch and David Messner).
Guest on the podcast "PLUS iuris" by Prof. Dr. Andreas Kletecka (#7 COVID-19 Regulation: Now it's the Constitutional Court's turn, April 13, 2020).
Guest on the podcast "PLUS iuris" by Prof. Dr. Andreas Kletecka (#11 COVID-19 regulation unlawful, July 23, 2020).
Guest on the Ars Boni podcast by Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgo (Ars Boni 55 - Covid and the proceedings before the Constitutional Court with Dominik Prankl).
Corona, Digitalization and New Work - Challenges for Austrian Labour Law (Interview with Alexander Sollak), Staff Council News A1 Group and A1 Digital, Issue 27/September 2020, 10 f.
Corona and the State - Debate together with Sibylle Hamann, Sepp Schellhorn and Christa Schlager (Moderation: Josef Redl), Falter No. 40a/20, p 26 ff.

Martin Barrett
Attorney at Law, Partner
About us
Martin Barrett

Professional career
Attorney at Law and Partner, Rosenauer Prankl Barrett Rechtsanwälte OG
since 01/2024
Attorney at Law, Rosenauer Prankl Rechtsanwälte OG
05/2023 – 12/2023
Associate and attorney at law, Jank Weiler Operenyi Rechtsanwälte GmbH | Deloitte Legal
03/2020 – 05/2023
Associate, Kunz Wallentin Rechtsanwälte GmbH
03/2018 – 03/2020
Associate, Wolf Theiss Rechtsanwälte GmbH & Co KG
07/2017 – 03/2018
Associate, Winternitz Rechtsanwalts GmbH
01/2016 – 07/2017
Court practice at the Higher Regional Court of Vienna
08/2015 – 12/2015
Internship Foreign Trade Center Hong Kong
09/2014 – 11/2014
Paralegal in Viennese law firm
09/2010 – 08/2014
Master's degree in Real Estate Management at the University of Applied Sciences Vienna
09/2019 – 06/2021
Bar exam with distinction
Erasmus exchange at University of Southampton
09/2013 – 06/2014
Diploma studies in law at the University of Vienna
10/2009 – 04/2015
Main focus
Real estate and Construction, Corporate law, Energy law, Banking and finance, Startup consulting
German, English
Publications and Lectures

Christian Berghofer
Attorney at Law in permanent cooperation
About us
Christian Berghofer

Christian Berghofer
Attorney at Law in permanent cooperation

Professional career
Attorney at Law, in permanent cooperation with Rosenauer Prankl Barrett Rechtsanwälte OG
since 01/2024
Attorney at Law, in permanent cooperation with Rosenauer Prankl Rechtsanwälte OG
01/2023 – 12/2023
Attorney at Law, Puschner Spernbauer Rosenauer Rechtsanwälte OG
7/2005 – 12/2022
Associate, Puschner Spernbauer Rosenauer Rechtsanwälte OG
11/2000 – 6/2005
Associate in Vienna
11/1999 – 09/2001
Court practice in Graz and Vienna
12/1998 – 8/1999
Bar exam
Diploma studies in law at the University of Graz
1991 – 1998
Main focus
Civil and corporate law, Real estate transactions, Contracting, Competition law, Corporate law, share and asset deals
German, English
Publications and Lectures
Your concern is in good hands with us.
Banking and finance
Building / Construction
Competition and Antitrust
Corporate law / M&A
Dispute Resolution
Inheritance and Succession Planning
Intellectual Property
Real Estate
Start-Up Consulting